Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Where Have I Been?!?!?

How could I have missed this?

How Do You Tell YOURS?

The Good News. Buen Noticias. The Message. Whatever you call it, we're supposed to be telling it. How? Let me count the ways...

The Kristo - probably the best online flash video of it's kind. Check it out.
Got Life? -not to shabby, a bit on the systematic side.
F.A.I.T.H. - the updated version of CWT and EE (for you old geezers...)

Not to mention WWJD, F.R.O.G., D.O.G., and the mountain of t-shirts, bumper stickers, tracts, bracelets, keychains, CDs, etc. all designed to help us tell the story of God's plan for redeeming us and the rest of the planet.

We've got more tools in our toolbox than Ty Pennington. But how effective are they? How do we use them? Do we use them at all?

The danger is in thinking that wearing a t-shirt is doing evangelism. I've never run into anyone who became a Christ-follower by seeing a bumper sticker or a silicone bracelet. At some point don't we have to open our trap and TALK about how Christ saved us, gave us hope, and adopted us into the Kingdom? Doesn't it involve conversation?

How do you tell your part of the Christ-story? What interesting conversations have you had? What have you learned from others?

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Two-Wheeled Theology

Yesterday, I taught Darien how to ride his bike without training wheels. It was a big day for a 5 year old. (A pretty big day for Dad, too.) I started as I suppose most Dads before me do, by holding the back seat of the bike while he pedaled. I ran along beside him, giving instructions. "Pedal faster!" "Sit up straight!" "Keep going! You're doing great!"

"Daddy", he said, "Now my bike is just like yours." He paused. "Now I'm just like you!"

Sweet. But the reality is, nope. Not yet, he isn't. Darien had forgotten that I was still holding on to the seat of his bike. As soon as I let go, he remembered...and crashed within seconds.

After about 35 minutes of running and holding, crashing and scraping, he rode his bike for 3 straight blocks without falling. He did it! We hugged. We gave hi-fives. We took pictures.

"Great job!" I said.
"You always say that...", he grinned.

From the advice I gave him, I began to realize the theology my 5 year old was learning.

1. You're gonna fall down. It happens to all of us. Even in the best of families. It's part of our condition. And part of the process. Darien asked me when we got started, "Do you think I'll fall down?"
"Oh, yeah", I said, "Everyone falls at first. But you'll figure it out. You're gonna do great."
As a Christ-follower, I still fall. Just when I think I'm just like Dad, I bust it. Ah, well.

2. Slow down. When things get wobbly, use your brakes.

3. Look where you want to go. If you're afraid of running off the sidewalk, don't keep staring at the grass. That's where you'll end up. If you wanna stay on the sidewalk, keep your eyes there. My wife used to say,"Keep your eyes on Jesus and your feet will go right." I don't care to argue hermeneutics or exegesis. Why? For the most part, I'm still struggling with 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' I have a hard enough time keeping my eyes fixed on the prize.

A great day. I'm sure I'll spend the rest of the week going on bike rides. And putting on Band-Aids.